FACT: We've found earlier tests for 93.6% of our customers*

* This figure is accurate as of October 2014

Find your pupils earlier tests with a money back guarantee!

ADI Support Services 4 All gives you more ways to make money for your driving school. One of these ways is by selling our practical test cancellation finder to your pupils.

We search for earlier tests for your pupils based on their test preferences. When we find a test you'll be instantly notified by text message and email. All you need to do is reply – you usually have approximately 12 minutes because DVSA reservations expire - and we'll change the pupil's test! You can even select auto-book and we'll change the test as soon as a suitable option is found, meaning you don't have to interrupt a lesson to accept a booking.

You'll only pay once per pupil for as many tests as they need to pass. Yes, this means unlimited access! You can charge your pupil whatever you like and as frequently as you like. For example, you may want to charge your pupil for each test we find for them – we really don't mind! Of course you don't have to charge your pupils – you could include it within the price of your lessons to attract more pupils.

Our retail prices on www.Driving-Test-Cancellations-4All.co.uk gives you an indication on how much you may want to charge your pupil. We currently retail our Standard account (the best package for most people) for £18, Plus account (boosted search results) for £22 and our Premium account (jump the queues) for £26. See the prices you'll pay.

How many of your pupils just want to pass their test and get on the road as quickly as possible? Probably most of them! Imagine then how valuable our test cancellation finder could be for helping you grow your business.

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Benefits for you, the ADI...

  • We'll refund your money if we can't find your pupil an earlier test date
  • Join for free and get 1 free practical test cancellation account and 3 free online theory training accounts as an introductory offer
  • Increase your profits and help your pupils at the same time
  • Gain a competitive edge
  • No joining fee or ongoing commitment
  • Enrich your website with our website widgets
  • Multi-buy accounts

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Benefits for your pupils...

  • Some of your pupils are likely to need an earlier driving test at some point
  • We have found earlier tests for 93.6% of our customers*, so we're likely to find your pupils tests
  • Unlimited access until they pass their driving test
  • Save them time searching for earlier tests
  • As much support as they need from our Support Team

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Save Your Pupils' Time. And make yourself money.

As an ADI you're well aware that the DVSA doesn't have a driving test cancellation waiting list. Because of this you've probably found that your pupils have to wait weeks or even months for a test. This doesn't help you, or your pupil, if your pupil needs a last minute test.

Our driving test cancellation finder will search the DVSA system regularly to give your pupils the best possible chance of finding an earlier test.

This will save your pupil time, money and effort, and stop them having to worry about it.

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Money Back Guarantee. Pay for what you get.

Since there isn't a cancellation waiting list we can't guarantee when we'll find earlier test dates for your pupils, however we are likely to do so. If we cannot find an earlier test for your pupil we will provide you with a full refund for that pupil.

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Individual accounts or multi-buy? What will you decide?

There are two options for buying practical test cancellation accounts:

  1. Pay per account (payment as and when you want a single account)
  2. Multi-buy (payment upfront for a specific number of accounts)

With multi-buy you don't have to guess how many practical test cancellation accounts you'll need in a month as you have 90 days to activate each account.

Interested but don't have any pupils needing an earlier test at the moment? You can join us for free and use us when you need to.

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How it works. This is how you do it.

  1. YOU or your pupil books their test with the DVSA
  2. YOU choose from an individual account or one of our multi-buy options on our Buy page and then register for our Partner Scheme for free OR... YOU register for our Partner Scheme first and choose one of our test cancellation options as and when you need to
  3. YOU activate a test cancellation account for your pupil
  4. YOU make money by charging your pupil
  5. WE immediately start searching for earlier tests
  6. WE find test cancellations and let you know by text message and email
  7. If YOU selected auto-book or you replied to a message saying 'book', WE change your pupil's test
  8. YOUR pupil passes their test or YOU can use us again
  9. Simple!

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